What is extension?
- Extension occurs when the curve of the lumbar spine increases. Ideally if you're lying join the floor I should be able to get my fingers between your low back and the floor, but not my fist.
Why should I care?
- Extension itself is not inherently bad, but when done repeatedly it can place undue stress on the lumbar spine and lead to injury.
How do we train to prevent it?
- The first anti-extension exercise in our arsenal is the dead bug. I realize this isn't the sexiest exercise in the world, but its simple and effective.
- Brace in the supine position
- Pressing low back into floor or rolled up towel under the back
- Reach long toward the ceiling
- Lower opposite arm and leg as far as possible w/o losing contact with floor or towel
- This exercise is about QUALITY. i.e. Limit all extraneous movement
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Kolar Deadbug
Thoughts on the topic from people much smarter than myself.
- Band Resisted Deadbugs by Mike Robertson
- Ground Based Core Training by Mike Robertson
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