Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Push Up: The Strength Plank

What is it?
- I like to think of the push up as a plank(prone bridge) that moves up and down.  This helps me to remember that the push up is first and foremost a core exercise...that also happens to make you wicked strong, dude. As always neutral spine should be constant throughout the push up(i.e. would a PVC pipe placed along your back make contact with head, between shoulder blades, and butt.)

If only this baby could talk...

He has so much to teach her.

Why should I care?
- The push up is a one stop shop for core stability, upper body strength, and it can be done ANYWHERE!

How to?

- Lie prone with hands beneath shoulders
- Brace the core in a neutral position and squeeze the glutes
- Press the floor away and finish by reaching(i.e. shoulder blades spread apart)

Although this sounds pretty simple, many people may initially lack the upper body strength necessary to perform a push up from their toes.  Should that be the case, simply perform the same exercise on an elevated surface such as a bench, squat rack, dip bar...
or from the modified position on the floor.
or get a little help from a superband.
Finally, THE PUSH UP. (Note: I'd remind myself to finish with a stronger reach on these reps.  What was I THINKING!?"

Once you've mastered the basic push up, try some other variations.

Yoga Push Up

Band Resisted Push Up

Thoughts on the topic from people much smarter than myself.
- All About Push Ups - Mike Robertson
- Improving Your Push Up - Mike Robertson
- Fixing Your Push Up - Dean Somerset

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