Thursday, August 18, 2016

Gym Philosophy: Clock In

That Einstein was a wicked smart dude.  This idea seems obvious, but the genius comes with application.  Nothing about your health or well being will improve until you take action and make it happen.

After several years of training I've noticed the most significant obstacle standing the in the way of a client's improvement is taking that initial step towards the gym.  If you don't show up, I cannot help you.  Pay me all you want, but fitness is something you can't buy.  For some that may be unwelcome news, but not for me.

The beauty of the gym is that it's one of the only meritocracies I know of.  You can't inherit fitness, your parents can't buy it for you, it does't matter who you are and who you know.  In fitness, the only thing that matters is your effort and your plan.  Lucky for you, I take care of the plan.  The effort is up to you.  Show up and give a 10 and you'll get a 10, give a 6 and get a 6.  Don't show up and decay. I'm sure you've got a good this guy.

I realize that working out is not everyone's idea of a good time, but I think we can agree that it is necessary and beneficial.  Kinda like brushing your teeth.  Do you have to work yourself into a frenzy to clean yourself? No...I hope. You realize it is necessary and good for you, so you do it.  Its a part of your routine.  So why not look at exercise in the same light.

Herculean efforts in the gym every two months can't hold a candle to the effectiveness of regular visits to the gym, regardless of how modest the exercise might be.  Consistency is key.

I don't always enjoy working out.  For me those days are "punch the clock" days.  I show up, do the work, and leave.  Keep this in mind the next time sloth comes calling.

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