Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fundamentals: Neutral Spine and Bracing

As with any physical skill, be it artistic or athletic, there are fundamentals that provide a foundation for the activity.  Dribbling and shooting are vital to basketball, just as scales and music theory are vital to the pianist.  This is no different with exercise and before you begin anything, you'll need to know how to brace.

I'll define bracing as the contraction of core muscles(i.e. from shoulder to butt) around a neutral spine. Bracing is utilized in nearly every exercise we do, because ideal form is typically performed with a neutral spine. So, if I were to ask you to stop at any point in the exercise and I placed a PVC pipe along your back, it should make contact on the back of your head, between your shoulder blades, and just above your butt(as shown in the standing brace video.)

How do we brace? Start on the floor...

Now that we've got bracing from a supine position down, lets try it from standing.

Take some time to master bracing in both the supine and standing position.  Next we'll learn to move while maintaining a neutral spine.

Thoughts on the topic from people much smarter than myself.
- Mike Robertson
- What is the core made for? by Mike Robertson
- Balloon Theory: The Core by Chris Collins

Seriously, there guys are wicked smart. Read up!

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