Thursday, August 11, 2016

Squat: Take a Seat

This dude can squat.  Regardless of the fact that the bar starts over head, then lies on his chest, and finishes on his back, each movement was a squat.  Take away the bar and the major tenants of the squat remain.

What is it?
- The squat is a lower body movement involving maximal hip and knee flexion.  In other words you're sitting down.

Why should I care?
- Do you ever sit? Of course you do.  Do you ever stand?  Well the latter half of the squat is likely how you got there.  I realize this is likely coming off as patronizing but its only because I care.  We all need to sit/crouch/hunker down at one time or another and learning to do so properly can spare your knees, hips, and low back.

How to?

- Begin by standing
- Assume a base slightly outside hip width
- Brace by engaging your glutes and abdomen
- Pull your butt toward the floor and return to standing by driving the floor away with your feet
- Finish by again engaging your glutes and abdomen in the braced position

As you saw above, there are a lot of different ways to squat and I think its great to want to do them all.  That being said, I like to start clients with the goblet squat to a box.  This variation keeps the weight in front allowing for a more vertical torso during the squat(aka a squattier squat) and the box provides a safety net as well as depth gauge.

Goblet Squat to Box
Once you're comfortable squatting to a box, you can remove it and move on to these other squat variations.

- Kettlebell Goblet Squat

- Dumbbell Goblet Squat

- Front Squat

- Back Squat

- Overhead Squat

Thoughts of Goblets Squats from, Dan John - Goblet Squats 101
...and thoughts from Bret Contreras "A Set of Goblet Squats a Day Keeps the Doc Away"
...and more Goblet Squat thoughts from Mike Boyle "Dan John was Right"

Take it from me, these dudes know what they're talking about.

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